Applying our mission statement: “Meeting the needs of the whole person: spiritual, physical, education and emotional”

This page contains some highlights of our current work and links to pages where you can read in more detail about the various projects.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
— Galatians 6:9
Sulpi Village, where we are planting “Seeds of Hope”

Sulpi Village, where we are planting “Seeds of Hope”

Many rural villages rely on watering holes like this one for all of their water needs - drinking, cooking, and bathing. MyHope provides wells and other water projects to address this critical need.

Many rural villages rely on watering holes like this one for all of their water needs - drinking, cooking, and bathing. MyHope provides wells and other water projects to address this critical need.

This blind widow is so happy to receive a love gift from her Family and Disabled support sponsor to help provide for her needs.

This blind widow is so happy to receive a love gift from her Family and Disabled support sponsor to help provide for her needs.


Hope Boarding School (HBS)

We believe that without a good education it is nearly impossible for someone to escape the devastating cycle of extreme poverty, which is why our first project was Hope Boarding School.

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Seeds of Hope

The opium crisis continues to devastate families and villages throughout northwest Myanmar. Because of extreme poverty, remote mountain villages feel trapped into harvesting and selling opium. They long for a better way, but for most there seems to be no other way. Until now…

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New Pathway Home for widows

in Kuki culture, widows are vulnerable. Family law and tradition favors the husband’s family, and women are sometimes left in very difficult situations. There are no social safety nets for elderly widows, and so we opened the New Pathway Home to care for them.

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Leadership Training

Training current and future church leaders is critical for the life of the Christian Church in Myanmar. With servant leadership seminars and Hope Theological Seminary, Dr. Nehkholal and his associates are building up and strengthening the local churches.

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Clean Water Projects

We believe access to safe, clean water for drinking, cooking, and sanitation is a basic human right. But many in rural Myanmar do not have access to these basic necessities of life.

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Hope Preschool

Education remains one of the most effective means for escaping extreme poverty. Instilling a love of learning in children from a young age is vital. Preparing tribal children to enroll in the government school system is critical to their future success.

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East/West Garden Farm

Most of the Kuki people in northwest Myanmar are farmers, people of the land. However, because of poverty, illiteracy, discrimination, and more, the people do not know how to obtain the greatest benefits from the land. That is one reason we started the East/West Garden sustainable agriculture project.

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Family & Disabled Support

Extreme poverty is the daily reality for thousands of families and individuals in rural Myanmar, and yet there are no government programs to help them cope. That’s why we started the Family and Disabled Support Program.

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New Hope Prison Outreach

Prison life in Myanmar is brutal, harsh, unforgiving, and lonely. Inmates and their families are sometimes separated for years at a time. Children can grow up never knowing their mother or father. We started a prison outreach to help families stay connected.

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Pastor Support Program

Pastors and elders in Myanmar are in a very difficult position. Their congregations are poor, so they must work full time to provide food for their families. They also need to feed their spiritual family, but there is little time for Bible study, prayer, and sermon prep. And good resources are scarce. They need some help.

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“Piglets for the Poor” and other projects to help reduce poverty

The “Piglets” project, and other ongoing projects designed to help reduce poverty or alleviate the symptoms of poverty, are making real, tangible changes in the lives of real people.

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