“The LORD is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; He cares for those who take refuge in Him.”
Cyclone Nargis caused unimaginable misery and destruction for millions of people across the Irawaddy Delta region.
Many tons of rice and other supplies had to be smuggled into the delta because of the ban on foreign aid imposed by the military regime.
A house fire is a completely devastating event for a poor family in rural Myanmar.
Natural disasters are no respecters of persons. When disaster strikes a poor country or a poverty-stricken community, the survivors have few available options, and must rely on the help of others to get them safely through.
In the years since MyHope has had a working presence in Myanmar, we have seen and helped with numerous large-scale disasters:
Cyclone Nargis in May 2008, which killed well over 130,000 people overnight and left millions homeless, destitute, and starving
The Rat Plague in late 2008, triggered by the flowering of millions of bamboo plants across India, Bangladesh, and northwest Myanmar
The 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Tachileik, Myanmar in March, 2011
The devastating floods in the Kabaw Valley in the summer of 2015
In addition, we have helped with many other smaller or more localized disasters:
A village was forcibly relocated to make way for a dam project in 2007
A massive hail storm destroyed all crops around Jagnoi Village in October 2008
A Rat Plague destroyed the crops and food of several villages in upper Myanmar in 2019
A regional drought which caused crop loss and led to starvation in 2019
Here is a partial list of homes rebuilt or families helped by MyHope after destructive fires:
Aid and supplies for family of Nehkholun of Jangnomphai Village (2008)
Home rebuilt for Family of Khupkhojang of Valpabung Village (2010)
Twenty-one homes completely rebuilt in Hmun Tha Village (2010)
Home rebuilt for family of widow Nengneilhing of Khumnoi Village (2013)
Eleven homes rebuilt after fires in Holkom Village (2014)
Seven homes rebuilt after fires in Sipeh Village (2017)
Home rebuilt for family of Jangkholim of Maingdaungphai Village (2018)
Home rebuilt for family of Seikhhojang of Janglon Village (2019)
Home rebuilt for family of Thongchinthang of Jonglon Village (2019)
We pray that we will not have to respond to further natural disasters, but we know that our world is broken and the chances are high that more disasters will occur. Because of this we are extremely grateful that so many people are generous and willing to help individuals and families that they have never met, and may never meet, in this lifetime.
We are especially thankful for International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES) for providing grants to help with many of the above disasters. And of course we are very thankful for the many churches and individuals who donate funds to IDES. so that they can respond with help as soon as disaster strikes.
God bless everyone of you who has donated generously and sacrificially to help the poor when they are devastated by disasters. God sees and knows your works, and He will surely bless you in return.